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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Elk Patrol

Last night after dinner we went on elk patrol high into the woods. We hit the jackpot on our first outing. At first we saw about 5 or 6 elk grazing. Russ backed up the car so we could see a little better, and two juveniles that had been laying down got up. The next thing we knew we saw a total of twelve elk slowly moving around!! We watched them for a while and then moved on. As we turned a curve, we saw 8 more, some crossing the road! As we went towards a clearing, we saw a lone animal grazing in a field. At first we thought it was a deer. Russ took a different road so we could get closer, and we saw that it was a young male elk. The males do not stay with the females and babies but venture out by themselves. All the elk we saw looked very healthy with very pretty coats. Some times the coats on the elk that we see look a little scratched up, but these were all very fine specimens. As we ventured on, we came across several deer as well. When we returned home, Becky and I started our second jigsaw puzzle. Oh, by the way, we find the elk in Angel Fire to be extremely friendly as you can see from the second picture. :)

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