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Friday, July 24, 2009

Going into the catering business

We spent the majority of the day preparing for the reception following Owen's Christening tomorrow. I told Meg that if we are going into the catering business we need to have more employees! Dave and Jim spent most of the morning and early afternoon picking up the cake, coolers, a jumping castle, beverages, outdoor speakers, and other assorted items. In addition to cooking, cleaning, and decorating, Meg and I fed, diapered, and played with the baby. At one point I took Owen out for a walk so Meg could "go crazy" in the kitchen. After lunch, Dave and Meg went to the grocery store to pick up last minute necessities, and Jim and I took Owen out in the stroller and got Thai out for a much needed walk. We are all exhausted, and there is still SO MUCH to do before we have to be at the church at 10:30 tomorrow morning. I think we're going to need a vacation. :)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Rainy Day in the Hamptons

Today is our first day in the Hamptons. The "plan" was to go to the Bronx Zoo this morning, but the weather didn't seem to be in our favor. Thankfully that was apparent early on as it is raining pretty hard right now. The great thing about going on vacation to the Hamptons is that we really don't care that much about where we go, because what we want to see is with us 24/7 - our family. We had a nice lunch out and watched the rain as it slowly drizzled and are spending a lot of quality time with our little man. Grammy fed him breakfast and lunch; really, can it get any better than this?