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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

It was a very busy Halloween for us in the Hamptons. Melissa, Meg's sister, and her son and daughter came over to the house to decorate Halloween cookies that Meg had baked earlier in the week. Gavin is in kindergarten, and Kate is going to be 3 in January; they are very high energy little people. I was pretty wiped out after our decorating session. :( When they left, we took Owen over to Meg's parents so they could see the little man in his lion costume. We visited for a while and then came home for dinner and to answer the door for our trick-or-treaters. Poor Owen was pretty well fried after all the hub bub, so he went to bed fairly early. Actually, we were all pretty tired from the day's festivities and turned in early. It was fun to spend Halloween here as it is celebrated like it was when I was a kid. The elementary school children in Southampton don their costumes in the afternoon and parade down the main street of the Village. Since Gavin was in the parade, Meg, Owen and I went to see it on Friday. It was fun to see all the kids in their costumes and to go back to a time when Halloween was celebrated for the fun of dressing up and getting our fill of candy.

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